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Everything posted by Roe

  1. Roe


    From the album: Annet

  2. Roe

    BLOG 110-113

    Mange takk. Har fått endel spørsmål i det siste, blandt annet hvordan jeg holder i rifla og hvor mye jeg presser mot tofoten. Denne filmen viser dette, samt bedømming av vinkel sett fra skytterens øyne.
  3. Det er sant. Altfor sant. Men om jeg kan teste før jeg kjøper, litt mye pe-eng å hiv på noe som kanskje ikke er helt det jeg vil ha. Ser ut til at de kunne ha gjort en liten jobb på retikkelet siden dette definitivt er en ELR kikkert... Zeiss lager rare ting iblandt og jeg heller vente på neste generasjon... Har en PMII 3-20x50 i bestilling, kommer kanskje i 2012 og vet vel egentlig hva jeg får der...
  4. Du er ihvertfall ikke plaget med fotfolk i lia der Om du har HD på kamera fikk jeg et stalltips om å lagre filmen i 16:9 på PC (ligger under "visning" om du bruker Windows moviemaker)
  5. Roe

    BLOG 110-113

    Nå årets første skyting. Kort om spotting og trening med trefot.
  6. JA! Skulle gjerne ha sett en klasse som i Sverige hvor man kan skyte med optikk/ jaktvåpen og handikap-hjelpemidler som to-fot. Skulle veldig gjerne ha drevet skytingen min under paraplyen til DFS.
  7. Det der var et smart verktøy, skulle hatt en slik da jeg hadde kipplauf (det beste hadde selvfølgelig vært om utdrageren min virket). Har selv brukt samme riv-og-røsk løsning på flere av mine kikkertskinner og hatt null problemer, men Streken og (ukjent brukernavn) fikk "flygende kikkert" på limt/skrudd skinne om jeg husker rett så man kan jo ha det i bakhodet.
  8. 222 rem mag er en sjelden patron i disse dager, fantastisk ukurant sammenliknet med 222 og 223. Men dersom du får fatt på hylser og dier er det jo ikke noe mer arbeid med den enn andre. Du må ikke finne på å kamre om den rifla der!
  9. Noen andre med kompetanse får uttale seg her, men "potensielt mer problemer" var det første som poppet opp i hodet mitt. Har sett nok kikkerter som har løsnet under vibrasjon og rekyl uten at det har vært slike løsninger... 338 LM er dessverre en dyr maskin å drifte...
  10. Ragnar Hansen legger vel ut fabrikknye take-off løp til 500 kroner?
  11. Har aldri opplevd fast grep som noe problem og har ikke skyteteknisk kompetanse til å si noe om fordeler/ ulemper med løst/fast grep. Det finnes konkurranseskyttere her inne med et nivå som gruser Hodnett/Snipershide gutta både skyteteknisk og hastighet. De kan uttale seg mye bedre enn meg. Ville vel tatt endel av Todd Hodnett sine instruksjoner med en klype salt og forholdt meg til DFS/ norske skytterorganisasjoner. Todd er tross alt en selger som skyter Barett på 4-5000 meter/yards nevnes det i filmen...
  12. Så oppsummert: Alt fra tomprat til knakende gode presentasjoner. Filmene var definitivt bedre enn Carlock/ Tubb med flere, og med bedre klipping ville nok dette blitt mye bedre. Men man kan jo alltids rippe egne DVD og ta ut de gode delene fremfor å spole/ lete.
  13. Review Magpul Art of the Precision Rifle DVD 3 The "professional" DVD. Dialogue gets more relaxed and "real", instruction gets more hands-on as the main instructor is now a professional shooter. HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND 00:00:24 Chapter the USMC scout scniper Presenting Caylen Wojcik 00:01:50 Breaking down for the viewer what it is to be a scout sniper 00:02:50 Talking about what it takes to be a sniper. 00:03:10 Sniper collecting raw information, not intelligence. 00:04:40 How the sniper training program is extremely difficult, not som much physically but more mentally. 00:05:10 Some good bolt manipulation (more of this demonstrated at the end, no need to rewind). 00:06:45 How sneaking and shooting is only a very smart part of the snipers job. 00:08:30 How snipers kill a lot of people with information 00:11:00 Talking about operating in a non-permissive environment where you cannot hide and you will get attacked no matter what you do. 00:15:00 Talkin about the fairly liberal ROE , rules of engagement (legal requirement to shoot people), back in the days (ROE that opened for shooting people with digging tools... in a country with irrigation farming...) 00:16:50 Recounting a sniper operation and the weight that needed to be carried. 00:23:00 Talking about advances in sniper technology 00:27:30 Explaining how the core fundamentals/ basic makes up for lacking equipment, how training and the shooter is most important 00:30:00 The need of installing reality in the training 00:32:30 Talking about precision shooting, rapid shooting, scenarios and danger space 00:34:45 Talking about what someone wanting to be a sniper must be prepared for, in short a huge mental burden and having adequate physical ability. 00:38:00 New chapter, the law enforcement sniper 00:38:55 The fundamentals of marksmanship 00:39:45 How law enforcement might need to shoot through media 00:41:50 How shot placement is critical to law enforcement, surgical shooting 00:44:00 New chapter Military semi auto weapons 00:46:00 Presenting the Barret M82 50 cal rifle 00:46:50 Presenting the norwegian Raufoss 50 cal ammunition 00:49:40 Criticizing Barret Accuracy, how it is not capable of MOA but 2-3 MOA 00:51:23 Presenting the MKR SPR 5.56 rifle, special purpose rifle 00:54:05 Presenting the M110 SASS 7.62 rifle, supressed rifle and how effective that can be, how it is almost impossible to locate such a shooter 00:56:00 "Semi auto rifles now blossom with the precision rifle society..." 00:57:00 New chapter, data books How it is a journal or diary for shooting, logs data you see as pertinent. How ballistic solvers/programs have made logbooks not as important as before. 00:58:20 Talks about ballistic computers 00:58:40 Sales pitch for the Magpul dynamics logbook 01:01:30 How to fill in a standard data page in the Magpul logbook The difference between calling a shot and plotting a shot 01:04:50 the shooting diary page 01:06:10 Shows a closeup of how called/plotted shot is logged 01:06:28 Keeping track of rounds through the barrel 01:08:25 Sales pitch end 01:08:58 New chapter dialing & scope calibration Very easy for shooters to get mixed up which way they dial the scope 01:09:20 How scopes adjusts with an angular measure, mostly MOA or MIL 01:10:20 A good sketch of MOA and MIL 01:10:33 Explaining the simplicity of the MIL system (but not driving the point home hard enough perhaps) 01:11:30 Talks about how some scope mixes MOA and MIL. Can very easily confuse shooters. 01:12:06 1 MIL = 3.438 MOA 01:13:50 Drill for adjusting "badly built" scopes, with right hand "push" to make bullet go left and "pull" to make bullet go left. "An easy way to remember which way to spin the turret" (with a "properly" built scope you use the turret like you would your car, turn right to go right, left to go left...) 01:15:20 Shooting tactic for gusting wind, dialling for elevation and holding for wind 01:16:05 New chapter Max point blank range How to eliminate dialing turrets and using trajectory for danger space/ killing window (Here the two instructors have opposite views, Todd says this stuff "isn't fast enough") 01:17:45 How this can be applied for a hunter 01:18:00 Using a ballistic computer for max point blank range 01:18:47 Talking about danger space 01:22:25 New chapter, range estimation Laser is by far the best option. Reticles can be used successfully if used with an awareness of limitations and if one considers danger space/trajectory/killing window. 01:23:16 Talking about capabilities and limitations. Target size must be known but isn't always the same. 01:24:40 The TMR reticle, using it as a tape measure. (Again the laborous mildot solution formula and multiplying with 27,77. How does one do that??? Use proper units of measure for the MIL system) 01:25:00 The difference between 1st and 2nd focal plane. 01:26:00 Limitations of ranging, target size must be known 01:29:00 Using reticles for animal trophy assessment 01:30:00 New chapter, the Milling Excercise Very good demonstration of how to use MIL reticles for range estimation. 01:33:40 Specifying different requirements when using the scope for range estimations vs followup shots. 01:35:30 Showing how to correctly get a solid ranging position. 01:37:14 Demonstrating the benefits of a modern mildot. (In the shown example, the proper use of the mil formula would be (I'll just assume target widt 475mm, standard military chest) 475:1 = 475 meter range w old fashioned mildot 475:1.1= just over 430 meters w modern mildot (exact range 432-3 meters) These numbers can be run in the head. No 27,77 or 2,54 anywhere in this formula - use correct units of measure dammit!) 01:41:11 Uses the Horus ATRAG to get the range solution from the milling (you would need a calculator when using the wrong units of measure for the mil formula...) 01:41:55 New chapter, natural point of aim and respiratory pulse. (Just view this chapter and make natural point of aim your religion) 01:47:01 Getting into natural point of aim position 01:48:33 Pushing with the toes 01:50:50 Breathing cycles (if time permits) 01:53:45 Natural point of aim drill 02:01:05 The end 02:01:20 Rapid bolt manipulation demonstration Reload demonstration 02:05:39 The end-end --- To sum it up This third DVD makes a buy worth it. It offers interesting and down to earth insight as well as to-the-point instruction. I'm being very cruel here, but I reckon the difference between bubble boy and the professional is palpable for those that view it. I find the absense of gear talk and focus on the training very good. Very good instructions in DVD no 3 and you will build a solid fundament for LR shooting by adhering to the natural point of aim principle shown. I do wish however that Americans would fully grasp the MIL formulas and don't mix in wrong units of measure. Review Magpul Art of the Precision rifle DVD 4 The gear DVD. They talk gear and sell products. 00:00:16 The bolt rifle. 00:34:00 Semi auto rifles 00:43:15 Acillary gear 00:48:45 Rifle optics 01:11:30 Muzzle accessories 01:20:50 Support equipment 01:37:20 The end Review Magpul Art of the Precision Rifle DVD 5 The DVD where Todd Hodnett demonstrate unconventional shooting position. The part where they show mirage at the end is very good! HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND 00:00:24 New chapter, Unconventional positions 00:00:56 Talks about having multiple points of contact 00:01:06 How you need to have a position stable enough to see your impact 00:01:12 Position sitting with bipod 00:02:40 Adding a rear bag to the position 00:04:06 Adding shooting sticks to the position 00:05:25 Adding a backpack to the position 00:06:09 Grabbing the bipod with the hand 00:07:50 Not holding to heavy and disturbing the position 00:08:45 Replacing the aforementioned backpack with a partner for support 00:09:38 New position with shooting sticks, camming with the shooting sticks 00:14:49 New position, camera tripod with picatinny adapter 00:23:22 New position, side-prone. This is a sitting/prone position with the rifle turned over to its' side. 00:26:30 How to get a zero/ sight displacement in the side-prone position 00:31:45 New chapter, long range trajectory Explains how the angle of attack (the angle the bullet falls) is only 1,5 to 2 degrees (at 835 meters in this example) 00:34:55 Showing the angle of attack with a string and 2 lined up targets punched by the same bullet. 00:37:43 Doing trajectory math with help from the Horus ATRAG 00:40:45 Talks about how the angle of attach is not as steep as most people think 00:42:00 Calculating maximum ordonance which is how high the bullet flies over line of sight 00:43:50 Mentions diffent windspeeds at diffenet altitudes (This is called gradient wind for those wanting to google more on the subject) 00:44:50 How spotters needs to know a little about angle of attack and maximum ordnance. 00:46:46 The Tremor reticle. Todd Hodnett explains his own reticle design (he is unneccesarily complex in the explanations of wind holds, probably relates to how he is unneccessarily complex in his "accuracy 1st wind formula) 00:50:45 How to fit the Tremor reticle to all calibres. 00:52:20 Talks of how the Tremor reticle is a mil scale. 00:53:15 Talks about the realtion between Bc and wind in the math formula equations (... and the math formula equations are unneccisarily complex) 00:55:19 New chapter, Cleaning Talks about how to clean the gun. Not removing copper, but carbon. (A special take on cleaning) 00:59:10 Storing the gun 01:00:40 New chapter, Raising the bar Talks about longrange hunting ethics and "paying your dues" through training. 01:02:55 Recommends the Bryan Litz "Applied Ballistics" book 01:06:07 New chapter, the crew having fun and showing bloopers 01:08:50 New chapter, The Whiz Wheel Showing an accuracy first product. It is a range card put into a flight computation wheel 01:14:00 New chapter, Mirage Showing various mirage and what wind speeds they equals. (Very good, should have been a LOT MORE hard facts presented like this in the series) 01:15:26 New chapter, Accuracy 1st wind formula (Unneccessarily complicated and nothing proprietary. Use the correct format (meters pr second) and you'll eliminate all the dividing. Just put your ballistic computer wind input to 1 meter per second and the wind factor will be glaring at you. The formula is then reduced to WIND FACTOR X WIND = CLICK CORRECTION//MIL HOLD. Basic Swedish method...) 01:16:46 New chapter, the MIL relation formula (I've said it before, Americans do not FULLY grasp the MIL concept. Work in the correct units of measure, millimeters. Don't understand millimeters? It is just a number with a name, you don't need to understand it. Just learn the target size number as you do with inches or feet or yards but call that number millimeters instead. Formula is then: TARGET SIZE : MIL = RANGE METERS)
  14. Magpul Art of the Precision Rifle DVD 2 The shooting and product placement DVD: Horus Vision H58 reticle, Horus ATRAG and Accuracy 1st fascilities: HOUR: MINUTE:SECOND 00:00:00 Broken scope field zero How to field zero your scope and how to use Horus ATRAG to get a dope card. My comment: You can also zero same procedure and just set scope turret to what your card says. 00:01:56 The shooters take their scopes off and hands it to the next person, demonstrating the scope mount lever system. 00:02:20 10-20 shots are needed for a complete rangecard. 00:03:40 Sloppy turret dialling can get you lost. Dial turrets until impact hits required holdover for the field zero range. 00:05:07 Levelling the reticle to the rifle is not at all important. Many shoot with a canted weapon. Levelling the reticle to the world is important. 00:06:17 Repeating leveling the reticle/scope to the world, not the rifle 00:08:30 Working with Horus ATRAG 00:08:48 First target 238 meters, field zero and using holds. Dialing till bullet impacts the required hold. 00:09:48 Making windcalls. Good calls, a bit high perhaps. 00:10:08 Good scene for windcall 00:15:48 Horus ATRAG again Using it to change a zero in order to comply with observed trajectory/ impact 00:18:27 Shooting 610 meter target 00:19:00 Demonstrating the Horus reticle with a sales pitch 00:20:30 Summing up a field zero 00:21:24 Accuracy 1st (Todd Hodnett company) proprietary wind formula Mixes dividing and multiplication, cannot understand why to use mph format - it complicates the formula. (Use the meter per second format instead of mph and you eliminate dividing. Wind factor x wind strenght, basic Swedish method...) 00:22:48 Horus ATRAG PDA is a great tool but no crutch. 00:24:45 What wind matters the most for the shooter 00:25:40 Wind over a cliffs edge... (I find that these shots can be extremely difficult with a lot of turbulence..) 00:25:59 Wind in a canyon picking up speed. (More so in a V than U canyon and there will be swirling in intersections) 00:26:17 Wind going uphill picks up speed. 00:27:00 Mirage is your helper 00:27:40 Looking at mirage 00:28:16 Accuracy 1st wind formula (Again, why work in mph, msec eliminates half the math involved...) 00:30:15 Wind course, new chapter Shooters shoot a range where they can turn their position and get different winds 00:32:30 Using high power on scope to help assess wind and assist shooting 00:34:10 Using the Horus H58 reticle 00:35:00 Talking about canting the rifle and how you need a bubble 00:37:00 (Never seen shooters cant so much before, must be script/dramatics/for show???) 00:37:35 A bubble level on the rifle to prevent cant is extremely important. 00:38:30 Accuracy 1st makes a bubble level. Talking more about the extreme importance of a bubble level/ anticant device. 00:40:20 50% of longrange misses is probably due to canting that wasn't caught with a bubble level. (well...) 00:41:20 Using Horus webshop lasers 00:41:59 The MIL relation formula. (Americans make this formula overly complicated. Target mm : mil = range. How many of you guys drive your cars according to a knot speed limit or load your cartridges in tons of powder?) 00:42:30 Accuracy 1st product teaser 00:43:30 Milling and shooting with the Horus reticle (good!) 00:44:48 Missing because of not checking the bubble (C'mon, enough already...) 00:45:25 Bracketing the target in the maximum/minimum wind hold. Let the bullet drift into the full target if wind increases (hold minimum on target edge) 00:47:00 Spotters job during windcalls Shooting 00:49:29 More milling with Horus reticle 00:50:50 Watch you're bubble level or you'll miss... 00:51:15 Showing windcall target bracketing 00:52:20 Talking about subsonic flight and gyroscopic stability 00:53:20 Subsonic Bc in Horus ATRAG 00:54:50 Repeating the importance of fundamentals at long range. 00:55:50 Shooting a 308 at 1217 meters 00:57:17 Hitting 1217 meter target at 4th shot (This cannot be called effective shooting) 00:58:00 Truing the Bc in Horus ATRAG 00:58:20 The bullet shows the truth 00:59:15 Shooting the wind course 01:00:00 The wind clock vs effective wind 01:01:40 Stay on top of your windcall "don't get locked into a windcall" 01:02:35 Operate the bolt after observing the shot impact 01:04:40 (Is the script writer having a go at the chubby guy???) 01:05:00 Remember fundamentals, load the bipod 01:06:30 Effective wind using the windclock 01:07:35 Make a wind baseline dope and correct off of that 01:09:00 Shooting through thin grass no problem 01:10:00 Short, thick and stiff barrels are good - less harmonics 01:11:40 "See what trigger control does..." 01:12:12 Horus ATRAG 01:13:50 More on the importance of bubble levels 01:14:27 Discussing wind shooting strategy 01:16:30 Scope cant causing miss... again... 01:18:30 Horus reticle demonstration 01:22:15 Walking the windcourse 01:29:50 Summing up the experiences from the wind course 01:30:50 Benefits of the Horus reticle 01:31:40 Benefits of the Accuracy 1st training/ range fascilities. "Get you off the golf course and into the real world" Immense learning curve at Accuracy 1st range fascilities 01:41:22 Praise for Accuracy 1st range fascilities ebb out. 01:41:37 The one mile shot chapter Talking about the importance of fundamentals 01:45:21 First shot - check your anti cant bubble thingy... Shooting a lot of shots Eventually a bullet strikes the target 01:50:00 One mile shot finished. Summing it up 01:52:10 Finish Tod sum it up 01:52:30 Taking away the "specialness" of longrange shooting. 01:53:48 "Common sense simplistic approach" 01:54:20 Their focus is America's wars, trying to help the kids on every way we can ... (by winning government contracts and selling their products?) The End --- Summed up: Still lots of good information if you look past the product placement. I find the reticle demonstrations to be very nicely made. It should have been a lot better in the wind reading department, it says little about assessing wind strenght. The wind reading formula is unneccesarily complicated due to "wrong" wind format. I received the sublime message of bubble anti cant device. Have. to. get. one.
  15. Her er en timeline jeg gjorde for et annet forum It is a very nice production, they state the facts correctly. However they talk so much it can actually be difficult to derive the information they are trying to give you. For example, they use 39 minutes to tell you to lie straight behind the gun and load your bipod. That's a lot of words for little information. I've put the comments along a timeline so people can rapidly find what they're looking for. I've also put in a couple of snide comments. Not really meaning to bash this DVD too hard, of the American productions it is the best I've seen. I was happy to view it and would recommend it. Make no mistake: Horus has top dollars invested in this production, and you better believe you'll shoot the best way with Horus equipment! HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND 00:00:00 Todd Hodnett of Accuracy first presented. The worlds best/greatest longrange instructor (they actually say something to that effect) 00:01:15 Todd Hodnett uses proprietary methods and they "can't expose much" in this DVD. 00:03:10 Longrange is really nothing but basics, "more than anything it IS basics" 00:04:00 Longrange is easy, doesn't have to be hard. 00:06:30 Todd Hodnett tells of previous experience, "I was getting away with a lot of stuff as I was just getting lucky" related to LR shooting. 00:07:30 Demonstrates how to lie straight behind the gun 00:07:51 Demonstrates how to use a rear bag. 00:09:18 Demonstrates how to have a little loose bipod 00:12:14 Demontrates bipod pressure to great lenght 00:13:58 Todd Hodnett does not push forward with his toes, he prefers to use the whole back. 00:16:20 Talks about eye relief and scope shadow 00:18:30 Talks about how LR field shooting at presented opportunities differs from target shooting where you have all the time in the world 00:20:15 Talks about how it is difficult to get back on target and spot your own shots unless you lie straight behind the rifle 00:21:45 Describes resting the head on the rifle as going to sleep, not loose or hard, just resting the head. 00:25:07 Talks about scope shadow and adjusting the scope/ buttstock for a good fit. 00:26:00 Promotes LaRue lever scope mount systems. 00:26:50 Describes how you need to push the lever mounts into the picatinny when mounting. 00:27:50 Situations were you need to take yuor scope off. Weeeell... 00:30:00 Demonstrates how you find the holdover in the scope before loading your bipod. Todd Hodnett really likes the Horus reticles! 00:39:00 Talks about parallax in scopes. 00:39:59 New chapter, zeroing This is a long one... 00:57:43 New chapter reticles Discussing Duplex as a ballistic reticle. Fairly complex solution, would require a lot of work/familiarity to be practical for field use. 00:58:58 Talks about measuring your reticle/ knowing your reticle 01:00:00 Using a second image reticle Talks about how the MIL values change with magnification and how you can use a ballistic computer to figure out the values. 01:04:45 Talks about "poor mans horse" as in using mildots for holdovers at range (i.e. not using turrets, but reticle only to compensate for bullet drop) 01:05:40 Presenting a Horus reticle. This reticle works but not as well as Hodnett would have it. Works well for for wind as presented. Debunk the debunk. 01:06:10 Hodnett "usually never tell the guys to dial for wind". 01:07:20 Presenting the MIL formula. This is where americans again and again really demonstrates the inability to fully grasp MIL. The presented formula cannot be worked in the head... 01:10:00 Claims that BDC turrets work worse than they do in favour of a better Horus reticle ??? Not sure, he does mention the critical factors for a good BDC. I'll offer the opinion that a BDC will work best for most as they are restricted in their shooting enviroments. What he says is correct, I just have a different opinion on the conclusion. 01:10:45 Says that ballistics reticles work to about 400. I fully agree, that's also why manufacturers find them attractive to make: Modern cartridges have almost universal trajectories the first 400. 01:14:00 Says glass (scope) is more important than the rifle. Making good points. 01:15:00 Talks about 2nd focal plane 01:16:40 Some complicated math for 2nd focal plane and mildots. Just drop it, use a first focal plane instead. 01:18:00 Talking about how to check a scope, why you need to do it. 01:20:50 Horus reticle again 01:22:40 Talks about how many arguments against the Horus is "not valid" as they have "debunked them". 01:23:00 Talking about how A-type personalities are resistant to new information, how they need to "think outside the box", how they don't understand it and are "not going to be guru anymore" and therefore resist it as it puts them outside their comfort zone. 01:25:16 Truing. How to get DOPE - Data On Previous Engagements. Basically how to gather data for your range card. 01:26:19 Horus ATRAG is being demonstrated with a proper salesman pitch. 01:29:48 Good presentation of the G1 and G7 scales. 01:33:04 Barrel twist and bullet spin drift 01:36:00 Coreolis. only the vertical component. 01:37:40 The windclock, very good version - not the simplified short range version but the proper LR. 01:38:00 Inclination shooting. Doesn't really go into depht here, just demonstrating it in the Horus ATRAG program. 01:39:40 Humidity, how it not worth it at all as we're talking 1/12 MOA... 01:45:00 Checking trajectory by shooting at close to transsonic speed and "truing" it in the HORUS ATRAG program. 01:47:50 Todd Hodnett "We really push putting bubbles on a scope..." That is bubble levers to avoid cant. 01:51:20 The importance of not to "incur bad data" in your range card and log 01:55:30 Some target shooting with spotting. Not sure how much is done for illustrational purposes here. 01:58:00 Do not incur human error into dope, use ballistic computers. 02:00:22 Save a lot of time and money.. by using Horus reticles and ATRAG. --- DVD one summed up. Good production. Good points. They could do a better job of repeating/summing up the info. Nothing "proprietery" in it other than the Horus gear - this is LR basics (which Todd also says himself). Recommended (a huge leap up from other productions Tubb/Carlock et al) I have DVD 2 and will review asap...
  16. Jeg synes dette er et av trådens bedre poeng. Det hele stopper av seg selv på ganske kort hold, kula må knuse og destruere en hel masse muskler, vitale organer og bein. Et lite "knivstikk" er ikke bra nok. Jeg har ikke sansen for jakt og lange hold, lange skudd snyter meg for mesteparten av jaktopplevelsen. Jeg oppsøker ikke avstand og forsøker alltid å redusere skyteavstanden der praktisk mulig. Dette er jo hykleri siden jeg også bruker dette verktøyet når jeg må (dvs når jeg jakter/jobber for andre). Men dette er er ren avskyting av skadedyr og må ikke forveksles med jakt for rekreasjon. Og med fare for å høres ut som en elitistisk drittsekk så er det mange som f.eks ikke bedømmer vinden godt nok, men heller satser på at en god kule og stort kaliber skal berge dagen. F.eks mye omtalte Best of the West har flere klipp på Youtube hvor dyret (elk - et gigastort mål) får kula i rompa og magen eller står i områder hvor et avgrenset ettersøk nesten ikke er mulig. Andre som f.eks Zeiss promoterer jo langholdsjakt i sine kataloger (RapidZ) på en måte som jeg vil karakterisere som uforsvarlig - det kommer garantert en fjott som legger strek "5" på hjorten og skyter.
  17. M67 har allerede gitt svaret. Det er dragmodellen G1 og produsentens oppgitte Bc* som volder "problemene". PCB er et meget brukervennlig program og mer enn godt nok til å starte "kulebanearbeid" og dertil loggføring. * Hornady sin 123 Amax skapte mye hodebry for meg når jeg prøvde å konvertere G1 til G7 vha online kalkulatorer. Det ble riv ruskende galt. Løsningen ble enkel, mye skyting og loggføring og "baklengs regning" når jeg hadde data. Slik fant jeg en omtrentlig G7 Bc... og hadde egentlig ikke bruk for tallet siden jeg da allerede hadde testskutte og loggførte data Kom vel frem til at kula var litt bedre enn Hornady 120 Amax men forholdsvis langt unna Lapua 123 Scenar....
  18. 600 ok så begynner du å treffe lavt, typ 3-4 klikk på 900m
  19. Kjøp en billig Lee Collett die??
  20. Roe

    BLOG 110-113

    Enklere å kontrollere høydespredning, men rifla ligger jo helt "død" når du bruker rear bag. Husk dog at du skal holde i bagen og bare styre rifla med tommel/pekefinger.
  21. Roe

    BLOG 110-113

    Tror KH Precision har disse her i Norge (kontakt Poacher). Jeg kjøpte min fra USA, tror det var TRIAD tactical eller CS Tactical jeg bestilte fra. En av de mest kosteffektive presisjonsinvesteringene jeg har gjort.
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