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Arva hagle. Noen som kan si noe om denne? Eibar, Aya, ettløp


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etter litt googling sa fant jeg ut at garantizada para polvora sin humo betyr testet og godkjent for røyksvakt krutt, men utenom dette finner jeg lite. Uansett er det en nydelig hagle som jeg hadde vært stolt av ihvertfall :-)


Hadde det vært mulig å få bilde av hele våpenet?

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Ser ut som den Aya-hagla jeg arva etter svigerfar. Funker som bare rakkern på rypejakt den iallefall. Tror muligens den du har er noe eldre, men prøv å skyt. Hadde vel ikke satsa på stålhagl, men med andre blysubstitutter bør det gå bra. Og dersom blyforbudet blir opphevet så er nok bruksverdien større enn salgsverdien tenker jeg.




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heter color case hardened på engelsk (eller coin finish kanskje?)


Found this on another forum site:


But color case wasn't the only prestigious finish. Way back in the day, an alternative was the coin finish. Now, to really be a true coin finish, it was just plain polished case hardened steel. They color case hardened those mild steel parts, then polished off the color to make a "coin finish". It was still hardened, and still somewhat resistant to rusting, but that's how they did it. Today they usually don't case harden the part anyway, so they use a silver nitride process, which actually does harden the surface, then polish it, just like in the old days. It's not a plating. The coin surface is still hardened steel, that's been polished.


Seems to make sense to me - SKB always had a good coin finish that lasted - IIRC, they were of the silver nitride finish


http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/inde ... 29798.html" target="_blank


Hva det heter på norsk vet jeg ikke.

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