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Blazer R8 eller R93?


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Flere og billigere brukte løp enn så lenge



Kraftigere låskasse

Uttakbart magasin (sett denne gjerne opp på fordelslisten til R93 om du ønsker)

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Jeg valgte R8 fordi den har:


-Magasinkapasitet på 4+1 i standardkalibre(greit ved jaktfelt).Magasinet/avtrekkerenheten kan også settes i låst posisjon slik at det ikke kan falle ut,det kan da toppmates.


-Avtrekket er bedre


-Pistolgrepet har mere riktig vinkel,og fyller bedre ut i hånden.


-Ladearmen har noe slakkere vinkel slik at ladearmskula originalt havner litt lengre ut fra våpnet(lettere ladegrep)Dette kan dog fikses med lengre/større ladearmskule også.


-Låseklakkene i sluttstykkehodet er kraftigere og har brattere vinkel..(Låsekassen)som enkelte her kaller den.


R93 er som nevnt over her ett smekrere våpen.Men hvis du har bestemt deg for Blaser så oppsøker du en forhandler som har begge modellene inne.Når du klår på begge side ved side finner du garantert ut hvilken modell som gir deg godfølelsen.

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Valgte R93 over R8 pga tilgangen til brukte/billigere nye løp og at den primært brukes på jakt; altså ikke behov for å få i 5 skudd. Kommer dog til å handle 223-løp for å kunne ha i 5skudd på jaktfelt og så selge 202'en som brukes på bane i dag.


R8 har en fordel dersom du vil ha enkelte spesifikke kaliber (f.eks. 6XC eller noen tyngre "safarikaliber")


Jeg liker stort sett enkeltheten med fast/blindmagasin til det meste av min jakt; men ser en fordel på "sosiale jaktformer" som drevjakt med hund med mye forflytting med bil etc., der det ville vært fordelaktig å kunne ta ut magasinet. Balanse/"passform" etc. betød intet da jeg har montert over blokken i en GRS-stokk uansett.


Jeg overveide R8 pga antatt sterkere lås, men gikk fra det da jeg p.t. ikke vil ha noe hyperdupermagnum/safarigreier uansett. Dersom jeg får lyst på dette er det godt mulig jeg kjøper en R8 spesifikt til dette.

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Fins noen skrekkhistorier med feilende 93'ere, trolig pga feilaktige ladninger eller lignende. 8'eren er vel testet til 3 ganger så store påkjenninger eller noe i den dur.

Uavhengig av hva man mener om sjansen til å få kassa i fjeset, så er utvilsomt R8 det tryggeste valget.

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Det er vel tiår siden det var noe galt sist?



Report from Blaser Jagdwaffen about these incidents with Blaser R93 Rifle


Blaser CEO Mr. Bernhard Knöbel and Monika Alexander


"There was also an accident in Norway last year; statement will be forwarded in the near future."

"Dear Mr. Moratto.


As you are aware of, on January 10th, 2004, at a shooting range near Koblenz Germany, a Blaser R93 has been damaged and in that accident the shooter was injured.


Unfortunately this issue has been taken and exaggerated from various people in order to discredit the R93 in an un-objective and dubious way.


On January 22nd, 2004 the technical directors of Blaser and I were able to look at the rifle in question together with three police officials with the permission of the public prosecutors office Koblenz.


The steel showed deformation in the lockup area as well as two definite cracks beginning at the rear end of the chamber. Powderized brass was found in the lock-up area.

There was deformation on the bolt head as well as deformation on the bolt head elements.

The cam plate, which supports the assembly in locked position, and the right rail were broken away from position while the assembly was in a closed and locked position.


In a series of tests through DEVA (Deutsche Versuchs- und Prüfanstalt für Jagd- und Sportwaffen e.V.) measurements of the gas pressure were increased to almost 8.000 bar /

116.000 psi, whereby under this pressure there were no measured deformations to the outer contour of the chamber area in the barrel. There were also no seen deformations to the bolt head.


Without wanting to anticipate the results from the public prosecutors office and after examination we have concluded clearly the damage was caused through extreme overloaded gas pressure.

With consideration to the above mentioned DEVA examination, it is our opinion that the cause of this accident is without doubt due to the ammunition and cannot be related to the rifle.


At this point we would like to clearly state, that the technical design of the R93, with more than 100 000 rifles supplied, has not been found responsible for any accident where the rifle has been damaged.

Every single R93 is controlled and tested by the state/county proof-house according to the C.I.P. regulations using proof cartridges exceeding the maximal allowed gas pressure by a Minimum of 30%.

The R 93, however, withstands loads / Gas pressures way above proof-level as our in-house / combined DEVA-tests clearly document.


In the test reports from DEVA it was confirmed that there is no reason to doubt or fear the R93’s strength and durability.


DEVA states:

“In the case of destruction to a rifle with an (illegal) gas pressure of 8.000 bar or above, this eventually may result in injury to the shooter. This cannot be related to the rifle.”


There are no reasons for us to doubt the safety of the technical design of the R93.


Unfortunately, it may happen in individual cases that the use of defective or incorrectly loaded ammunition results in damage to the rifle and/or the shooter, no matter what brand or type of rifle is used.

For example in 2003 we were aware that in Austria alone, three cases of destroyed bolt-action rifles occurred due to incorrectly loaded ammunition with three different rifle-manufacturers being involved.

Even through the enormous numbers of R93s on the market there are extremely few cases occurring through inadmissible, well overloaded gas pressures where a rifle is damaged or destructed. For this there are appraisals from different institutes with clear statements:

In none of these cases a weapon-lateral cause of the damage was determined.


The Blaser R93, through its exemplery safe and practise suited technical design is one of the most popular hunting rifles offered on todays market.

The straight fact is that with the enormous numbers of R93 rifles in the field today it is extremely rare that a rifle is destructed through incorrectly loaded ammuntion.

This is argument enough for the R93.


Yours sincerely


Blaser Jagdwaffen GmbH

Bernhard Knöbel"

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Alltid noen som tar det personlig når eksploderende blasers blir nevnt...

Men det er knakende likegyldig om årsaken er børsa eller feil (over)ladning som forårsaker problemet, skulle ulykken først være ute er R8 rett og slett et tryggere valg for skytteren. Om kostnaden er verdt den mikroskopiske reduseringen av skadesannsynlighet får være opp til hver enkelt.

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