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Ruger 10/22 med 17 HMR


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Er det noen som har kjøpt seg 17 HMR løp til 10/22 sin?

Fungerer dette bra?

Har hørt noen rykter av at det har forekommet at disse har blitt fyrt av før de er kamret i halvautomater. Stemmer dette?


Våpensøknaden ligger hos politimester å venter på at hun skal komme fra ferie så da blir det vel en 10/22 når hun får sett på den. Kortet går varmt med utstyr nå da. Nordic kit er bestilt. Avtrekk, bakkolbe grep og handguard samt større magasin må vel bestilles.

Hmmm Noe sier meg denne børsa kom på 7 500 - 8000 før jeg får blunket.

Og nå må jeg snart søke på 17 HMR løp også da så jeg får brukt den på reven.. :oops::oops:

Midway har jo: http://www.midway.no/epages/MidwayNorge ... cts/587068

Hmmm 3 lapper til...


Faen ta alle dere som har skrevet så mye bra om 10/22 og laget så gode prosjekttråder her på kammeret. :evil::twisted::evil::twisted:

Havesyken ble får stor i ferien :oops: ... Hahaha... :lol::lol:

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August 20, 2009 (Updated August 31, 2009)


Dear Customer:


Do not use 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms without consulting with your firearms manufacturer. Use of 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms may result in serious personal injury or property damage.


17 HMR ammunition is manufactured in accordance with standards issued by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufactures’ Institute (SAAMI). Subsequent to the design and introduction of 17 HMR ammunition to the market, 17 HMR semi-automatic firearms were introduced by various firearm manufacturers. Many of those firearms have proven to be incompatible with 17 HMR ammunition. 17 HMR ammunition is suitable for use in quality firearms in good condition that are not semi-automatic.


Accordingly, do not use 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms without consulting with your firearms manufacturer. Only use 17 HMR in quality modern firearms in good condition marked for 17 HMR cartridges. Always use eye and ear protection. Always read all product labeling carefully for instructions on safe use.


Please contact your gun manufacturer. For ammunition questions contact CCI Technical Service at 1-866-286-7436.

Sjekk med Ruger.

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August 20, 2009 (Updated August 31, 2009)


Dear Customer:


Do not use 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms without consulting with your firearms manufacturer. Use of 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms may result in serious personal injury or property damage.


17 HMR ammunition is manufactured in accordance with standards issued by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufactures’ Institute (SAAMI). Subsequent to the design and introduction of 17 HMR ammunition to the market, 17 HMR semi-automatic firearms were introduced by various firearm manufacturers. Many of those firearms have proven to be incompatible with 17 HMR ammunition. 17 HMR ammunition is suitable for use in quality firearms in good condition that are not semi-automatic.


Accordingly, do not use 17 HMR ammunition in semi-automatic firearms without consulting with your firearms manufacturer. Only use 17 HMR in quality modern firearms in good condition marked for 17 HMR cartridges. Always use eye and ear protection. Always read all product labeling carefully for instructions on safe use.


Please contact your gun manufacturer. For ammunition questions contact CCI Technical Service at 1-866-286-7436.

Sjekk med Ruger.


Er dette noe som står på patron esken eller?

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håper jeg ikke er for OT,men her er i hvertfall noen rifler i semi for 17 hmr,ser rimelig snasne ut!


http://www.excelarms.com/acceleratorrifle.html" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank


Excel arms er farlig. De har laget en pistol også som blir demonstrert av en rekke youtubere som samtlige har alvorlige problemer med den. Tror det er hylsa som rett og slett ikke er egnet til semi-auto.


Første treff i google på semi-auto 17hmr:


Safety Advisory for .17 HMR Semi-Autos

Ammunition manufacturers caution that the .17 HMR is unsafe for use in semi-auto firearms.


http://www.americanrifleman.org/Article ... 1927&cid=4" target="_blank" target="_blank

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