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Royal Sable forsatt ikke utryddet!


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En flokk på rundt 46 dyr ( antallet er ikke bekreftet ) er funnet i Luando National Park i Angola. :D




by Peter Flack



I have just finished speaking to Jeremy Anderson. He has given me the best news I have received all year. Brendan O’Keeffe, has been proved to be correct all along. On Sunday, Barney O’Hara, from Botswana, flying his Hughes 500 and accompanied by the well known, Onderstepoort trained vet, Piet Morkel, found a herd of royal sable in the Luando National Park right where O’Keeffe predicted (way back in 2004) they would be found. One of Dick Estes’s old trackers has estimated the herd to be some 46 in number but this has not been confirmed. What is certain, however, is that Morkel darted and radio collared both a royal sable bull and cow which were part of the herd and will return later to cherry pick individuals to be relocated to a 400 hectare, fenced enclosure recently established in a dambo in Cangangdala National Park.


Earlier, O’Hara and Morkel had darted and radio collared a hybrid royal sable/roan cross which habitually accompanies the seven royal sable cows that were discovered by infrared photography in 2004. The hybrid should lead them to the seven cows and enable them to be captured and relocated to the selfsame 400 hectare fenced enclosure.


The expedition was organized by Pedro Vas Pinto (pictured left setting one of the cameras at a salt lick in Cangandala) and funded by one of the oil companies, thought to be Total, although this has not been confirmed. The helicopter search and capture exercise was delayed by a year after a Namibian game capture team failed to honour its commitments in this regard in 2008.


Everyone who has the royal sables interests at heart will now not only breathe a huge sigh of relief at the thought that this most iconic of all Africa’s game may be taking its first teetering steps towards recovery but will congratulate and wish Pedro Vas Pinto and his team well in his continuing efforts on by half of these animals. If only the Angolan government would now provide them with the support they so desperately need.

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Spør meg igjen i 2030 :mrgreen:


Hvem vet, klarer de og har ressursene som skal til for å gjenomføre et sikkelig avlsprogram så skal du ikke se bort i fra at det vil finansieres bla igjenom trofeejakt.


Neshornet er jo et godt eksempel på vellykket forvaltning/ bevaring. :D

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Royal Sable ser ut som den valige sable oksen. Royal Sable er en del større en den vanlige sable oksen og horna er opptil halvmeter'n lenger.


Har vært fredet i flere tiår og vært antatt utryddet av mange.


Mere om Sable og masse annet "snacks" for Afrika jegerene på denne linken.


http://www.wildliferanching.com/exclusi ... game/sable



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