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Eg er ute etter ein ny kikkert til cz17hmr, har kahles 1,5-6x42 per dags dato, men er ute etter ein med vesentlig høgare forstørrelse.

Har lest litt i div. trådar at det er delte meiningar om ein kikkert bør ha noko som heiter parallaksejustering. Kan nokon fortelle meg kva det er? Og fordelar/ulemper med å ha det?


Våpenet blir brukt til småvilt og predatorjakt.




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Parallakse justeringa er enkelt forklart en justering som sentrer tråkorset ditt på de forskjellige holdene, har du parallakse kan det gjøre att du får endring i treffpunktet..kikkerter uten denne justeringa er somregel prallakse frie på 100m.. Med 17HMR strekker du sikkert ikke holdene så langt att dette er nødvendig?


Sikkert mange her som kan gi en grundig og bedre forklaring enn meg!




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Fra Wiki:

"Parallax in optical sights

Further information: Telescopic

sight#Parallax compensation

In optical sights parallax refers to the

apparent movement of the reticle in

relationship to the target when the user

moves his/her head laterally behind the

sight (up/down or left/right), [26] i.e. it is

an error where the reticle does not stay

aligned with the sight's own optical axis.

In optical instruments such as telescopes ,

microscopes, or in telescopic sights used on

small arms and theodolites , the error

occurs when the optics are not precisely

focused: the reticle will appear to move

with respect to the object focused on if one

moves one's head sideways in front of the

eyepiece. Some firearm telescopic sights are

equipped with a parallax compensation

mechanism which basically consists of a

movable optical element that enables the

optical system to project the picture of

objects at varying distances and the reticle

crosshairs pictures together in exactly the

same optical plane. Telescopic sights may

have no parallax compensation because they

can perform very acceptably without

refinement for parallax with the sight being

permanently adjusted for the distance that

best suits their intended usage. Typical

standard factory parallax adjustment

distances for hunting telescopic sights are

100 yd or 100 m to make them suited for

hunting shots that rarely exceed 300 yd/m.

Some target and military style telescopic

sights without parallax compensation may

be adjusted to be parallax free at ranges up

to 300 yd/m to make them better suited for

aiming at longer ranges. [ citation needed ]

Scopes for rimfires, shotguns, and

muzzleloaders will have shorter parallax

settings, commonly 50 yd/

m[ citation needed ] for rimfire scopes and

100 yd/m [citation needed] for shotguns and

muzzleloaders. Scopes for airguns are very

often found with adjustable parallax, usually

in the form of an adjustable objective, or

AO. These may adjust down as far as 3 yards

(2.74 m). [citation needed]

Non-magnifying reflector or "reflex" sights

have the ability to be theoretically "parallax

free". But since these sights use parallel

collimated light this is only true when the

target is at infinity. At finite distances eye

movement perpendicular to the device will

cause parallax movement in the reticle

image in exact relationship to eye position

in the cylindrical column of light created by

the collimating optics. [27][28] Firearm

sights, such as some red dot sights, try to

correct for this via not focusing the reticle

at infinity, but instead at some finite

distance, a designed target range where the

reticle will show very little movement due

to parallax. [27] Some manufactures market

reflector sight models they call "parallax

free", [29] but this refers to an optical

system that compensates for off axis

spherical aberration, an optical error

induced by the spherical mirror used in the

sight that can cause the reticle position to

diverge off the sight's optical axis with

change in eye position. [30][31]"



Legg merke til at du får en feil på svært korte hold også.

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Hold tomlene foran deg, ene lenger unna enn den andre. Legg tomlene "over" hver andre og flytt på hodet. Nå ser du at det bare stemmer med hodet i én posisjon. Dette er parallakse. For optikk vil trådkorset bare være helt parallaksefri ved én avstand, gjerne 100m for optikk uten justering. På denne avstanden kan du bevege øyet så mye du vil i forhold til siktet uten at siktepunktet endrer seg, for andre avstander vil avvik fra senter fungere akkurat som i eksperimentet med tomlene. Slik jeg forstår det er effekten størst ved store forstørrelser og ved avstander under parallaksefri, dette er en av grunnene til at en ofte skyter nesten like gode samlinger på 100m som på 50.

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