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Posts posted by odin1899

  1. Brukt Remington 700 for noen tusenlapper, er du heldig har den brukbar scope på den. Hvis ikke kjøper du en brukt Leupold sikte for noen tusenlapper.

  2. 1 hour ago, Nybegynn3r said:

    Hvorfor blyfritt? Det finnes så vidt jeg vet ikke fabrikkladd ikke-ekspanderende blyfri ammunisjon i Norge. 

    Fordi det er vel umulig å ferde lovlig med blyammo grunnet de nye toske regler. Og jeg prøver meg helst å holde på den lovlige siden av ting (selv om jeg nå sitter igjen med altfor mye 22lr, 308win og kal 12 i bly).


    Var det jeg fryktet at det ikke finnes fabrikkferdig ikke ekspanderende blyfri ammo.


  3. It looks like THHK will have a course in English the first week of October, check the link above for contact info.


    I have the possibility to arrange a hunting course in English (Jegerprøven) starting October 3. if enough participants.


    Theoretical lectures


    The course has 7 theoretical lectures, 3 hours each day. And one day at the shooting range. We can start Tuesday October 3. The theoretical lectures will take place at Rosenborg School.  


    Adress: Stadsing. Dahls gt 1, Trondheim



    Suggestions for the first lectures:


    Tuesday October 3. from 18-21. Lecture 1

    Thursday October 5. from 18-21. Lecture 2

    Saturday October 7. Shooting Range. 



    We decide dates for the five remining theoretical lectures when we meet the first day.




    The Municipality of Trondheim arrange exam last Tuesday every month, so we aim for the exam Tuesday October 31. Start time for the exam is 17.00 og 18.15.


     Course and exam fee


    Course fee: 3000 NOK. Pay to account : *******


    Exam fee: 360 NOK. Pay with credit card or VIPPS in the App "Jegerprøveeksamen" before the exam.


    You have to download the App "Jegerprøveeksamen" and register. If you have problems with the registration I can help you when the course start.


    Please let me now if you will participate at the course, and/or if you have any comments to the suggested course schedule.


    And please forward this e-mail to potential participants!

  4. Min kone er interessert i å fullføre jegerprøven men snakker langt fra flytende norsk. Finnes det jegerprøvekurs i Oslo/Buskerudområdet som gis på engelsk?


    Jeg mener jeg fant noe private kurs på engelsk i fjor men jeg finner de ikke igjen.

  5. On 4/17/2020 at 11:49 AM, m00se said:

    if you do find the classes in english let me know, my wife would love to do it. her norwegian is ok but definitely not strong enough for the hunting exam 😄 welcome to norway, and the forum



    These guys claim to offer the course in English. The exam itself is already available in English as is.

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