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Posts posted by gary80

  1. I got 12 new belisle traps in the post today:P I feel like a kid on chirstmas day who got exactly want he wanted from santa:lol: so now there hanging out to rust :shock: we are a weird bunch us trappers, we buy something new then we can barely wait for it to be coated in rust :? this is my first season trapping Marten(mår) i started with 2 traps and trapped 3 marten before the break in xmas :D then i got 2 more traps in the break(romjul)so i have had 4 traps out after xmas and have trapped 2 marten since,so thats 5 in total :lol:so if i dont trap any more marten this season at all i will still be very happy with the result :D but dont get me wrong i hope i can get lucky with a few more martens in my traps :wink:

  2. hi i put out my first ever trap line for mink today so am looking forward to see if can trick some mink. i have shoot alot of mink with my dog but this is the first time i have tried to trap them.maybe i can get i nice one for the taxiderment cause when the dog gets them theres not much left :?

  3. ok thanks for the tips,the first 2 i trapped were small, both were just over 1kg, and the last one i trapped was 1.6kg but without a tail, he must have lost it when he was young, but all this is just beginners luck(the luck of the Irish) :lol:

  4. OK,thanks for the tip,il go out tomorow and try to find some marten tracks in the woods close by where i live,it has snowed her yesturday,you sound like you know alot about pine martens :) do they live in pars?(male and female),do the kids wounder together out of there birth place?can more than one female live within the same area like foxes witch only the alfa female has pups,i need to know EVERYTHING haha :lol:i have tried to get some books on pine martens but they are either from england or usa,and am not shure if martens behave the same her as they do in the uk or usa,(ps,you can answer in norwegain:))

  5. hi i have just started this year with Mår fangst,i started with 2 traps(feller) close to each other and traped 2 marten(mår)in the first week and 1 more 2 weeks after :D,but like i said i dont realy know what i am doing other than the few tips i have got from a freind who has been doing this for a long time,i have taken my traps down from the place i trapped my first 3 marten and now need a new place for a new trap line,so what i was woundering about is if martens are only high in the mountains or can they be found lower just above see level?(in the forest of corse :))???? sory about the english,i can speak an read norwegan so if anybody could give me some tips the you can reply in norsk :D

  6. hi i have just started this year with Mår fangst,i started with 2 traps(feller) close to each other and traped 2 marten(mår)in the first week and 1 more 2 weeks after :D,but like i said i dont realy know what i am doing other than the few tips i have got from a freind who has been doing this for a long time,i have taken my traps down from the place i trapped my first 3 marten and now need a new place for a new trap line,so what i was woundering about is if martens are only high in the mountains or can they be found lower just above see level?(in the forest of corse :))???? sory about the english,i can speak an read norwegan so if anybody could give me some tips the you can reply in norsk :D

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