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skal til afrika i slutten av april flyr med klm. Har hørt snakk om at ammunisjonen må oppbevares i en egen boks? Noen her som har et godt svar? PS når man flyr med klm må flyselskapet ha inn følgene oppl. våpen nr type og mengde ammo .kiipt å komme på flyplassen

uten dette :(

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Skal du via Schipol HUSK permission of transshipment of firearms - forms.


Alle våpen i transit uten transshipment of firearms form(s) vil bli beslaglagt.


Et skjema for utreisen og et skjema for hjemreisen.


Mere info finnes på medlemssidene til Nordisk Safari Klub.





Hei Nils Ole.

Kanske du kan gi mer opplysninger om dette til de som IKKE er medlem av NSK?

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Jeg får legge det ut selv da...


Firearms and ammunition for shooting and hunting sports

Carrying ammunition and firearms in hand baggage is not permitted. You may carry such items for shooting and hunting purposes as check-in baggage under certain strict conditions.


Regulations for ammunition and firearms according to the weight concept

If you wish to take more baggage than the maximum allowance, the regular excess baggage fees apply.


Regulations for ammunition and firearms according to the piece concept

Each weapon counts as a single item of baggage. If you wish to take more baggage than the maximum allowance, the regular excess baggage fees apply.


You must also have the following permits in your possession:


• The licenses for the weapons in question

• Import and export permits for the countries concerned

• The permission of the Dutch Customs service to travel to, from or via the Netherlands


Furthermore, the following rules apply:


You must make a reservation for travel with firearms and/or ammunition. This can be done through your travel agent or Telephone Reservations.

The firearms must be unloaded and safely packed in a suitcase or other case. The cartridges must be packed safely, preferably in a suitcase.

Sports and hunting rifles must be transported separately from the ammunition.

Ammunition may only be intended for shooting sport and a maximum of 5 kg (11 lbs) of ammunition may be carried per passenger.

Firearms and ammunition are not permitted on flights on Fokker 50 aircraft or smaller aircraft.

Baggage containing ammunition may not carry labels with the text ‘explosives’.

Transporting ammunition with explosive or flammable projectiles is not permitted.

When you check in you should declare that your weapon is unloaded and the ammunition has been packed separately.


To be able to take firearms and/or ammunition with you on a flight, you will need to make a reservation via your travel agent or via Telephone Reservations. You will also need a number of licences:


A licence for the firearm in question

Import and export licences for the countries in question

A licence from the Dutch customs authorities for travel to, from or via the Netherlands



The following passengers will not be required to apply for a licence from the Dutch customs authorities:


Hunters who are resident in the Netherlands, when they travel to or from the Netherlands and have a valid hunting licence. The firearms in question must be indicated on the hunting licence.

Members of a shooting club who are resident in the Netherlands, when they travel to or from the Netherlands and only when they can produce a written invitation or declaration from a shooting club in the destination country.

Passengers with an EU passport who are travelling within the European Union and are able to produce an official EU firearms pass in passport format. This EU firearms pass must have been issued in the name of the passenger and for the firearm in question. Some EU countries issue firearms passes that do not have the EU reference. Holders of passes of this nature will be expected to have a licence.

Military personnel who are travelling as instructed by the government (NATO)

Application procedure

To gain permission to transport firearms and ammunition, you will be required to complete an application form for the outward and return trip.




Download the application form for a license to transport firearms:

http://www.klm.com/travel/no_en/images/Application%20Form%20Weapons%20EN_tcm611-221257.pdf(PDF, 54KB)


Aplication forms are also available from the Dutch customs authorities in Groningen via the following address:


Belastingdienst Douane Noord

Centrale Dienst voor In- en Uitvoer

P.O. Box 30003

9700 RD Groningen

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