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Etoile - Grand Bleu De Gascogne nye bilder


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Så....endelig.....Det blir en Grand Bleu de Gascogne fra Frankrike.

Kun godkjenning fra Mattilsynet som gjenstår.


Dette har vært en laaang og vanskelig prosess, har vært nær ved å gi opp flere ganger :oops:

Vært i kontakt med den ene oppdretteren etter den andre.....men kun hannvalper til gjengelig...og jeg vil ha tispe.

Slik jeg ser det, er det idioti og ikke velge tispe når det er snakk om import av det første eksemplaret av rasen til landet. (dog er dette min mening da..... :roll: )

Har blitt skuffa gang på gang.....at når jeg brått fikk øynene opp for valpe annonsen til Michael(Oppdretteren) trodde jeg ikke min egene øyne......ei heller ører etter tlf samtalen.... :D



Det beggynet fredag 29/5, jeg lå på soffan og duppa av.....var på jobb fra 6 om morran.....og skulle snike til meg litt søvn før unger og gubbe inntok huset..... Det tikker inn en sms på tlf. Arhg....tenker jeg... og tar en titt...kunne jo være en beskjed fra en av unga.... Det var ikke unga....men fra Terje, med spørsmål om jeg hadde lest annonsen på det franske bleuforumet....

Jeg hiver meg rundt, trøttheten var som blåst bort, logger meg på...finner tlf nr... tlf samtale går på dårlig engelsk og enda dårligere fransk, men jeg får vite at det er ei tispe valp ledig, og de forstår at jeg vil ha den. Mail adresse noteres....

Under og etter tlf samtalen står jeg å skjelver og tårene renner. Spenning, lykke, forventninger, usikkerhet og glede må få utløp.

Mail sendes om hva jeg trenger av papirer. Mail adressen blir feil... :? bytter om på to bokstaver i og e.. etter mye om og men får jeg riktig mail adresse....og jeg har fått hjelp av en oversetter(samme som sist når jeg henta Dina).

Så begynner ventinga.....jeg venter og venter......og venter....

7 juni får jeg bilde av valpen og mor....og første bekreftelse på at tispe valpen er min.....Og at hun heter Etoile De La Chaume a Rate.

Nok en gang er er tårene der.... :oops:

Det er med stor glede jeg viser min kjære bildene av vårt nye nurk...... :wink:








Mamma og 3 av kullsøsknene:



Etter dette går jeg å venter på Breeder Declaration(BD).......venter, venter og venter.....

Den ene dagen etter den andre går.....ingen ting skjer.... så lørdag 13/6 får jeg ID-papirer men fortsatt ikke BD...Så jeg tar skjeia i egen hand....og fyller ut BD for Oppdretter og returnere med beskjed om å fyll inn Passnr. og signere....

Jeg venter og veter, igjen....... SÅ i dag.....kommer det ny mail.....med signert BD....

Oppdretter og hans kone ble foreldre i går....kanskje ikke så rart jeg måtte vente litt da..... :roll::lol:



Papirer kjører jeg egenhendig å leverer i morgen. Planen er å dra ned allerede uken som kommer.

Oppdretter er forøvrig Jaktguid på et slott/gods.... Jeg har trua på at dette blir bra.


Skal si sommer fuglene blaffere i magen nå :mrgreen:

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Ha ha ha, blir så glad at jeg må gapskratte :D:D:D Ingen tvil om at du nå har gjort deg fortjent til at dette går i boks!!! Detta gleder jeg meg til fortsettelsen av!

Bra du ikke ga opp, gratulerer!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:mrgreen::D:mrgreen::D


Valpehilsen fra Enja og tulling

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Grattis Mona, det var jo et flott navn i E-året. Du skal se hun blir en stjerne også.

Selv skal jeg ha ny fransk hund i F-året, og hun skal hete Femme Fatale :mrgreen:


Ser du skal ha med deg kartleser, lurer litt på hva "Monsieur Kaptein" hos Air France sier når dr. Balder ankommer kabinen og ønsker å overta kartverk og retningskommando :lol:


Lykke til med rundkjøringene ut fra Charles de Gaulle og god tur sørover.

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Takk Bjørn :D

Liker navnet hennes jeg også..... :wink:

Kartleseren får holde seg til navigeringskordinatorer på bakken......og det er vel max 3 runder i de franske rundkjøringene....... :lol:


Anders....jeg takker og bukker om du husker på meg ved felling av rev...... :D


Søknad er levert mattilsynet i dag for godkjenning....så da tipper jeg det blir å bestille fly en av de nærmeste dagene....


Steike....dette blir spennende :!::!:

Allerede kværner og surrer div ting i hue, og målsettninger kommer frem for dagen...og ikke minst drømmene.....

Tiden vil vise om noen av disse, er oppnåelige.


Endelig, etter drøyt 2 år, kommer det en langbeint og lagøret blå i huset.

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Du Tussa...? Etoile er et passe elegant navn på bikkja, men hva har du tenkt å rope i skogen? Skal hun få et "nick" vi alle kan forstå og bruke? :lol:


Tenker det blir tøft å være gaupe, ulv, bjørn og slikt nå! Rev blir jo nesten for pinglete rovvilt for henne :wink: 15-20 cm høyere enn feks en dunker, det må da bli et majestetisk syn i skauen! :shock:


Og med et mål som en 300 hesters dieselmotor som bakfyrer i potta! :D

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Planen/ønsket er å bruke henne til rovvilt.(kanskje villsvin)

Først inntrodusere rev, så gaupe....og bjørn kanskje :roll:

Men dette kommer helt ann på psyke og om tilstrekkelig rovviltskarphet "bor" i ho.


Dr. Balder på forumet har jaktet med disse hundene....og her er en filmsnutt fra Afrika.





Sakset om Grand Bleu:

This large and leggy hound is well known outside of France, its country of origin, even though there are few examples of the breed elsewhere except in the dog shows of Europe and Great Britain. This breed is often termed the "King of Hounds" because of its remarkable stature and great beauty. Furthermore this hound is noted for its tenacity on the hunt and its deep and melodious voice. The Grand Bleu is tall but proportionate in size and is marked with black patches on a mottled roan background with tan. The black patches on the head must always cover both ears and the sides of the head and the entire body is so mottled as to leave the impression of blue roan coloration.


There are four dogs which come from the region of Gascogne in France, all have the Gascogne designation in their name; they are believed to be among the purest of the hound dogs since they are directly descended from the original Phoenician hounds crossed with the Gallic scenting hounds. The Grand Bleu lays claim to being the direct descendant of the now extinct Chien Courant, a hound of legendary strength and size. The Grand Bleu was known to bring down wolves in the early days, now it is a hound that is used primarily for hunting deer and wild boar.


The Grand Bleu is nearly as tall as the larger Giant breeds such as the Newfoundland or the Great Pyr but does not carry nearly the weight. It can be 29-29 inches at the shoulder but the weight is that of the Labrador retriever or other large dogs weighing about 80 pounds. This gives him a lean appearance but this is deceiving for he is a well built dog and has considerable endurance for the hunt if he is conditioned. These hounds have a slow gait and a methodical approach to the hunt, which is a useful trait in the hot climate of southern France, where everything seems to move at a relaxed pace. This is a typical hound in manner and affability, being gentle and accepting of people and quite comfortable as a house dog or a kennel dog. His greatest joy is to go on the hunt however and since he is independent as most hounds are he needs to be in a fenced area if kept outside.


This is a hound that is quite strong physically. His natural playfulness as a puppy and his large size can make him a real nuisance to have in a household until he learns to be mannerly. Because of his large size he needs early training in obedience as do all large dogs. Generally the Bleu De Gascogne is little used as a hound today and he is more of a dog that is shown . He is registered by both the F.C.I. and the Kennel Club of Great Britain but is not recognized by the A.K.C. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne has become a breed that is admired as a home or farm companion of great gentleness and affection. Yet the dog has a voice that will intimidate the strangers on the property and consequently he makes a reliable watchdog also.


Michael Russell


Og dette:

The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is one of the larger French hounds, measuring up to 70cm and solidly built - up to 75lbs. It is speculated that the Grand Bleu de Gascogne was developed from racing hounds who arrived with Phoenician traders, although of course they would have been sighthounds and the Grand Bleu is a scenthound. Their scenting is highly developed and their single-mindedness when on a trail will make him deaf to outside interruptions. Originally he was used to hunt wolves but now his quarry is hare. Like the Bloodhound, he has a very powerful voice which cannot be ignored.


He is a gentle dog with a certain melancholy in his expression. He looks every inch an aristocrat and has an air of well-bred elegance. His coat is short and smooth, easily cared for and unusually patterned. The base colour is white, with black patches, the rest of the white is mottled with black. which lends the hound its blue appearance. There are two black marks on the head, covering each ear, surrounding the eye and stopping at the cheeks. Above each eye is a spot of tan, and the tan is also found on other parts of the body.


Coat care is simple; a brush to remove dead coat and a rub with a chamois leather to bring up the shine; a little boiled linseed in the feed will enhance the black and tan and give a real gleam.


The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is an unusual and rather superior looking hound, he is not for everyone; he needs to be very securely fenced to stop him taking off after an interesting scent and when being exercised care must be taken to find an area well away from roads and livestock.





The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is an imposing large dog, a typical hunting pack hound of the oldest type, with a lean and muscular body, long legs, slightly domed head, long drop ears, and drooping lips. Size is 65 to 72 cm (25.6 to 28.3 ins) at the withers, females slightly smaller. Dogs of this breed should show an attitude of calm strength and nobleness.[1]


The colour of the coat is white mottled with black, giving a slate blue overall appearance. There are black patches on either side of the head, with a white area on top of the head which has in it a small black oval. Tan "eyebrow" marks are over each eye. Faults are deviations in appearance that have an effect on the health and working ability of the dog, as well as an absence of expected features of colour, structure, and size, indicating that a dog with such faults should not be bred. Faults include aggression or fearfulness, anatomical malformation, and lack of type.[1]


The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is noted for its focus on the hunt as well as a good nose and distinctive sonorous, deep howl. The breed is "instinctively a pack hound."[1]


[edit] History


The Grand Bleu de Gascogne's ancestors were contemporary with the St. Hubert Hounds, and were hunted in packs by the 14th century Comte de Foix on wolves, bears and boars. This type and breed are found in the ancestry all of the breeds of scenthound with "du midi" in their name.[1]


Although these are large dogs, "Grand" does not necessarily refer to the size of the dogs. "In most cases it is simply a label for a pack that is used for larger game".[2] Today. the breed is used in hunting boar, deer, and other game.[3] The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a very large dog weighing 80-120lbs


[edit] Health and temperament


No unusual health problems or claims of extraordinary health have been documented for this breed. Temperament of individual dogs may vary, but in general dogs bred to be pack hunting dogs do not make good pets.


Glemte denne


The Grand Bleu de Gascogne (also known as the Large Blue Gascony Hound) is one of the ancient hounds of France dating back at least to the Middle Ages and is one of the foundation breeds from which the descent of most of today’s hounds can be traced. It is suggested that Grand Bleus evolved from the mixing of local chiens courant with dogs brought to France by Phoenician traders. It would seem evident from the appearance of the dog: the long folded ears, the solemn expression, the great voice, that St Hubert Hounds contributed to its make-up. The breed was developed as a trail hound for hunting large game including wolf, bear, boar and deer, and a famous pack was owned by the 16th century King of France, Henry IV. In comparison to others of the hound family the Grand is somewhat slow and methodical on the trail, but what he lacks in speed he makes up for in determination, outstanding scenting ability, courage and sheer staying power. The decline in large game hunting brought in its wake a decline in the numbers of Grand Bleus. They are not numerous in their native country and are very rare outside of France.



The character and temperament of the Grand Bleu de Gascogne is perfectly summed up in the words of the Breed Standard: “gentle and kind”. Beneath his elegant appearance and aristocratic demeanour lies a mellow and sociable soul, shyness or viciousness being quite foreign to him. He is generally patient and good with children and, being a pack hound and of a peaceable nature, he tends to get along well with other dogs. He will bond strongly with his family and requires close and frequent human contact. He needs to be accepted and treated as one of the family, to have his place in the house and to be included in as many activities as possible. He will repay such consideration with utmost devotion and loyalty. If exiled to live alone in the kennel he will become depressed, miserable and fail to thrive. He may express his loneliness and misery in destructiveness, escape attempts and long, extremely loud baying. As with all hounds secure fencing is required as a tantalizing scent presents an irresistible temptation to get on the trail. Although he is friendly he will announce the presence of strangers with a formidable voice which will deter intruders. This breed is not recommended for inexperienced owners or for those who cannot provide the necessary companionship and exercise.



With his working heritage the adult Grand Bleu requires a considerable amount of exercise. Long daily walks are a necessity to keep him both physically fit and mentally alert. If a secure area is available for off-lead activities he will appreciate the opportunity for unrestricted running and the investigation of interesting smells. However he is primarily a trail hound with a superb sense of smell and should he take off after wild game he will be deaf to all commands and entreaties to return, so caution is essential when it comes to allowing him off-lead. As with all large breeds care should be taken not to over-exercise puppies and young dogs as permanent damage can be done to immature joints and bones.



This is a large and powerful breed so it is important that basic obedience training is carried out in order that he should respond to verbal control. He is a smart dog with the reputation of considerable problem-solving abilities and a somewhat independent personality. These qualities mean that he may come up with ideas of his own on how an exercise should be carried out, but patience, kindness and consistency will help him to learn to do what is required rather than what he thinks should be done. Positive reinforcement using praise, treats, or games will succeed where harsher methods fail. With a handler for whom he has respect and affection the Grand Bleu is a willing worker but harsh discipline will meet with resistance and the learning process will take ten times longer as the dog’s confidence and trust will be severely undermined. Socialization to introduce new situations, people, places, etc. should be commenced at a young age. This will give him the confidence needed to face life in the human world as a sensible, calm, outgoing adult.

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"A very powerful voice which cannot be ignored."


Skal skrive under på den ja, etter å ha sett den videosnutten! :shock: Det er pinadø det råeste jeg har hørt! :shock:


Nei dæven, dette blir moro Tussa! :D Du tenker sikkert først og fremst jakt med Stjerna, men hva med utstilling? Finnes det dommere i Norden som er faglært på denne rasen?


En kjempe begivenhet dette, landets første, det skal bli artig å følge med! :D

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All honør til Mattilsynet i/for min region.

Leverte søknad i går formiddag... Tilatelse godkjent og stempla i postkassa i dag.!!




Frankrike...NÅ kommer jeg.......!!!!


Terje, pakk koffeten....vi drar tirsdag!


Herre gud....dette er.... jeg har ikke ord.

Det er i hertfall følses ladet. :oops:

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Buster.....æ'kke værst å ha en riensdyrapportør da..... :lol:


Nuh er alle flybilletter bestillt samt leie bil.

Hotell droper jeg å forhånds reserverr. Står litt friere til hvor man vil overnatte da....

Mail til oppdretter med info skrives i dette øyeblikk.

Siden oppdretter og hans fru ble foreldre på tirsdag, synes jeg det er på sin plass ha med noe til den lille :wink:

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Så morro at alt nå er i orden Tussa :D Lykke til med henting. Håper turen går etter planen.

Klart dere må ta med noe til den lille.


Blir veldig spennende å følge tråden videre. Tenk at du får være med å utvikle en ny rase i Norge - kjempespennende og morro.

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Såh...da sitter jeg her, koferten er ferdig pakka med videokamera, fotoaparat, pass, flybilletter, BD og veibeskrivelse.

Transportburet er montert halslenke® (er usikker på hvor tykk den er i halsen) og leibånd er også pakket med.


Fikk nett mail fra oppdretter han har skaffet rom til oss her..... http://www.champ-rocher.com/index.html :roll::roll:

Det er her han jobber......


Gosj....som sommerfuglene raser i kroppen.... :shock:

Flyet går fra Gardermoen kl.8 i morgen tidlig.

Hjemreise torsdag 25/6 lander på Norsk jord 21.45 med det den lille vova :wink:


Au revoir......


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Hvordan utales "Etoile"?


Som jeg nevnte til Tussa (og deg Hansen! Sløving!! :mrgreen: ) på chatten for noen dager siden så fikk jeg en fransk venninne som snakker flytende norsk til å forklare uttalen, og det skal være "Etoal" omtrent som du vil uttale det på norsk, med (lett) trykk på "a". Og kort "oa", som Sako 30-06 antyder. :wink:


God tur, og gledelig hjemreise, det blir spennende å høre, Tussa! :D


PS Hva ER det med dette forumet og klokkeslettet 16.00?? Da bruker alt å henge seg opp! :evil:

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