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Hjortejakt i Missouri, USA


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Jeg er en student som tar 2Vgs i Missouri, USA.

Nå er det Thanksgiving ferie, og jeg er blitt invitert med på Hjortejakt. :)

Men nå er det sånn at de som inviterte meg ikke har noen erfaring med å kjøpe Hjorteløyver til "utlendinger", så lurer på om noen andre har noe erfaring med dette? Eneste jeg vet er at jeg får samme pris som de som bor her grunnet av at jeg skal bo her et år.

Takknemlig for all hjelp! :D

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DA må du nesten høre med Missouri Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Evt jakt orginasjoner o.l i staten.


Du får vel kjøpt en tag samme sted som de lokale så lenge det er noe ledig.

Hvis ikke bør de kunne hjelpe deg.


Uansett hva folk foreslår her må du forholde deg til de der borte

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Dette er vel det viktigste i ditt tilfelle:

"Proof of hunter education certification

If you plan to purchase a Missouri firearms permit or you are acting as an adult mentor, you MUST first complete an approved hunter-education certification program and provide proof of completion. Browse our Hunter Education Requirement page for details, exemptions, and more info about proof of certification.

All hunters, unless exempt, must carry their hunter-education card or a permit with their hunter-education number on it while hunting with a firearm. The Missouri Conservation Heritage Card with a hunter-education number on it is also acceptable.

Get authorized to try hunting before becoming hunter-education certified

To help introduce adults to hunting, the Department allows hunters age 16 and older who are not hunter-education certified to hunt with firearms in the presence of a properly licensed adult (age 18 and older) mentor. Visit our Apprentice Hunter Authorization page to learn more."


Sammen med denne:

"Who must become hunter-education certified?

If you plan to hunt during a Missouri firearms season or you are acting as an adult mentor, you MUST first complete an approved hunter-education certification program and provide proof of completion UNLESS:

You are 15 years or younger and will be hunting with a properly permitted adult mentor 18 years of age or older.

You were born before Jan. 1, 1967.

You received a disability exemption from Missouri Department of Conservation’s Protection Division.

You are 16 or older and have purchased an Apprentice Hunter Authorization and will be hunting with a properly permitted adult mentor 18 years of age or older.

You are the landowner or lessee hunting on land you own or upon which you reside.

NOTE: If you can prove you completed an approved hunter education course in another state, you are not required to take Missouri’s Hunter Education Course."






De fleste statene i USA har lignende regler, og den største forskjellen er igrunnen datoen for når du må være født for å slippe, og om de godtar jegerprøve/jegeravgift fra Norge som "unntak" nok til å slippe deres egen "hunter education certification".



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